Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

When you think of the movie Star Wars and Halloween together, a few characters come to the top of the costume possibilities list. Many of these will be readily available online and can be purchased in a wide selection of quality and price. But what if you are a "do it yourself-er" and you want to tackle a homemade Star Wars costume? Can it be done? Well the answer is most definitely yes, and it can be done quite quickly and easily. Here are just a few suggestions to get you started and you're bound to come up with even more ideas of your own as you go along.

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

For Darth Vader, the Prince of Darkness, you can first find all black clothing of some sort. Then add a long black cape but pad your shoulder area a little bit so the cape flows out and down instead of just falling down at your sides. Obviously Darth Vader's headgear was the most recognizable feature of his outfit and will be the most difficult to replicate. You may be able to buy a headpiece separately but if you can't, get yourself a good photo of him, some cardboard, poster paint and tape and see what you can construct. You could try working with a sport helmet and tweaking it somehow. Then add black gloves and a light Sabre and you're good to go!

Star Wars Helmet

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

A Storm Trooper could be done in much the same way. If you can find them, a set of white painter's coveralls from your home building store is a great place to start. You'll have to figure out the helmet thing again, but in all white this time.

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume

Anakin Skywalker is a super easy homemade Star Wars costume to make. All you need is a long white tunic which can be made from any over-sized sweater, cinched at the waist with a broad black belt. Add some brown pants and then pull some brown leggings or knee socks with the foot part cut out over your boots and you're done. Oh, don't forget the light Sabre for this hero too!

Of course we don't want to forget Princess Leia. This costume is super easy too. All you need is a long white robe...if you don't want to make one, you can probably make a white bathrobe work. Try finding one at your local Goodwill or second hand store. Add a shiny silver belt at the waist and then take the most time to fix your hair. You'll need to duplicate those fancy side buns somehow. A wig might be your best bet here.

These are just a few ideas from the movies main character list. Depending on how much time you have, and what your budget is, there is really no limit to how great a homemade star wars costume you can create!

Quick and Easy Homemade Star Wars Costume
